This is the settings I'm using to connect to my receiver running TitanNit which has an e2webif api
e2 web port=8080
local streamport 8001
24/08/2017 12:46:07 AM :
Zap to TVNZ 1
URL with User/Password = http://:@
VLC Option 1 = :http-reconnect=true
Sent HTTP command : /web/stream.m3u?ref=1:0:1:40b:16:2f:6400000:0:0:0:&name=nothing
VLC Option 2 = :audio-track=1
Sent HTTP command : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Sent HTTP command : /web/epgnext?bRef=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet
This is the stream the enigma-tv client expects once I connect to my receiver:
this is the stream that actually works :
if I type the working video lan link into internet explorer I get redirected to another port and shorter url which works in Videolan also:
I think this is an error in the streamport in enigmatv as it trys to stream on the incorrect port but I'm not really sure how it is ment to work.
would it be worthwile providing a capture with wireshark or a port mirror for the devs to look at ?