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Re : : Blue color on Local Web Port

Waooo, thanks for this feedback, I appreciate.

Just to give you the today status :
New Enigma-TV 'server' app : 100% ready
New PC Client app : 100% ready
New Android app : 100% ready, need Google approval for publishing on the Google Play (will be done soon, I hope )
New iOS app : 98% done, need to finish litle adjustements (also due to iOS7 ...), test and ask approval to Apple to publish on the Apple Store.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 06.10.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Re : : Blue color on Local Web Port

You are doing a magnificent job! Been waiting for a project like this in many years.

Geschrieben: 06.10.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re : : Blue color on Local Web Port


YES ! The problem comes from the web server and this is corrected in the next version, very fast now

Just a bit patience, it will be released in the next weeks ...
I know it take time but I'm doing lots of things in my life, not only this project ...
Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 05.10.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Blue color on Local Web Port

I had to cange the local ports to the exact same ports as the outside ports. So 8080 is also 8080 local and 80 is 80 local. If I tried the below settings, it wouldnt work.

But the ENIGMA TV is sometimes very slow. I believe this will be better in the next version :)

Geschrieben: 05.10.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Blue color on Local Web Port


Your settings looks ok ...
Have you tested the interface inside of your network ?
Try with : http://PrivateIP:PrivatePort/index_local.html

The blue port means that the port is in use by Enigma-TV, so this is normal.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 05.10.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Blue color on Local Web Port


I follow you're instructions. But i get this error when trying to play from another pc on another network:

Anklicken, um das Original-Bild in einem neuen Fenster zu sehen

My settings is like this. Why blue color?

Anklicken, um das Original-Bild in einem neuen Fenster zu sehen

My settings in router is like this.

Anklicken, um das Original-Bild in einem neuen Fenster zu sehen

Geschrieben: 04.10.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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