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Re: Hey from the Netherlands

Hi !

Hey, thank you so much for this very positive feedback, I really appreciate
You can give some feedback onthe Google Play / Apple Store as well, that would be perfect !

Soon a new release with Picons management ... and a new Web Interface also !

Stay tuned !!!

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 23.04.2015
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Hey from the Netherlands

This program works like a charm :D
I have been looking for a solution like this for quite some time.
No hassle with the installation just follow the very clear youtube vids.
The web interface doesn't work so well for me but the apps are amazing.. so why use the web interface ;)

Thnx Enigma team for this great peace of software.
finally i can watch my VU+Duo everywhere.

Worth every penny!

Geschrieben: 22.04.2015
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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