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Re: Re : : Web channel list not automatically updated with changes in channel list retrieved from the STB

Ok, that would already help alot!

Geschrieben: 15.04.2013
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Re : : Web channel list not automatically updated with changes in channel list retrieved from the STB


Yes sure, each time you do a channels list update, you also need to regenerate the channels shared on the web interface.
This 'web' channels list is a pure CSV file obtan from the analyze of what you want to share over the internet, to prevent sharing all ...
Then, the web interface read this CSV file to fill the select boxes.

I will work on a detailed user manual in PDF and publish it as soon it is ready.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 14.04.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Web channel list not automatically updated with changes in channel list retrieved from the STB

As per subject.

On startup, Enigma TV retrieves the bouquets & channels from the STB. Changes however are not reflected in the web interface because this is a manual procedure.

It took me some time before figuring out what was causing the web interface showing the wrong channels, altough Enigma TV itself showed the up-to-date channel list

Geschrieben: 14.04.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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