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Re: Multiple connection


May be this is due to your VLC version ?
Enigma-TV use a specific VLC version that is independant to the version you have on your PC.
Try to find a VLC Nightly on google ...

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 11.04.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Re: Multiple connection

Problem is that when we want to use the same stream, I will not be at home.
If I was at home I would watch the channel on my TV

When I tested this, I was at work and my friend at home.

I tried now , here at Home to start a steam using the Enigma TV web player.
Then I copied the link below and pasted on VLC.

VLC starts OK but ONLY sound.

When I stop the webplayer, image appears but only for a few second then it goed black again.
Looks like conection is gone

Geschrieben: 11.04.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Multiple connection


There is 2 options to watch a stream in multiple connection :
When you are in Internet Control mode, you can share the 'direct link' that appear at the bottom of the interface. This link will change each time that you select another channel, that also explain why the connection cuts by your friend : there is only 1 person at a time that can control the tool.
You don't start the internet mode but start a 'direct stream' in flash or iOS mode, that will always have the same link that you can share with many people.

Note : when the stream starts, you can do a right click on the link in Enigma-Tv on the link on the top of the TV to copy this link into your buffer ... Then you can easilly share the link.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 11.04.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Re: Multiple connection


seninha wrote:
Yesterday we tried to connect the same channel from two different locations.
From my and from a friends home.

He connected first,but as soon as I connect his screen goes black.

Could it be possible to make this work?

co the same channel can not do that with web-tv, you can only do with the streaming function

Geschrieben: 11.04.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Multiple connection

Yesterday we tried to connect the same channel from two different locations.
From my and from a friends home.

He connected first,but as soon as I connect his screen goes black.

Could it be possible to make this work?

Geschrieben: 11.04.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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