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Re: Re : : Add Now/Next playing in channel selection list in web interface

Nice to keep your busy!

I have two examples here:
- XBMC only shows what is currently playing, and only the title (not the full description), ie one line extra on top of the channel.
- The VU+ App shows now/next, ie two lines per channel extra.

Screenshot XBMC:
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Geschrieben: 15.04.2013
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Re : : Add Now/Next playing in channel selection list in web interface


I can try this but then the select box could be very long due to the text lenght ...
That's why I added EPG after each channels on the tool on PC but not in the web interface ...
But your suggestion is good, I take note for the next release.
Any suggestion on how to display the info may be ?

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 14.04.2013
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Add Now/Next playing in channel selection list in web interface

It would be very nice if the channel selection list (web interface) would also contain the Now/Next EPG information.

The VU+ App (on IOS) has this feature, and it is very nice to browse the channel list including now/next before selecting what to watch!

Geschrieben: 14.04.2013
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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