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Re : : Streaming live IPTV


The Enigma-TV Server app ALWAYS connect to an E2 STB to get the channels list and stream them from STB to Enigma-TV Server.
Then the Enigmza-TV server can re-stream to any cient app: Kodi, another E2 STB (via the E2 Enigma-TV plugin), Android, iOS, (soon Windows Phone), etc ...

Hope that answer your question.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 06.05.2016
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Streaming live IPTV
Hi, I'm not clear about the capabilities of Enigma-TV:
Does the software stream ONLY from E2 device to PC etc or
can it stream from PC etc to E2 device?
Example: if I have NBCSportsExtra running in KODI on my
PC will I be able to watch the stream on my TM-Nano-2-Super

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