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Re: Lost video, try to reconnect error

Bonjour Sébastien,
J’étais entrain de consulter le forum et je suis tombe sur un problème un peu similaire au mien.
Ces derniers temps, j'arrive pas a diffuser mes chaines IPTV sur Enigma TV,alors qu'auparavant ca se passe très bien.
Lorsque je me mets sur une chaine après quelques secondes "Lost video, try to reconnect".
Y a t'ilune solution ?

Posted on: 2018/1/26 11:27
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Re: Lost video, try to reconnect error

check your firewall is the antivirus that may be blocking your connection to you.
let me know.

Best regards,

Posted on: 2017/3/5 10:36
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Re: Lost video, try to reconnect error

I connected to my box and I do get the channel list.
I can also swap channel and the channel changes on my main box. However on the Enigma TV server window I do not get the video.
I instead get a message "Lost video, try to reconnect"
What did I do wrong?

Posted on: 2017/2/21 12:49
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Re : : Lost video, try to reconnect error


From the webif, are you able to get the stream into VLC?

If not then the issue is coming from the image that you use.

Try an image like NewNigma2

Best regards,

Posted on: 2017/2/17 15:44
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Re: Lost video, try to reconnect error

I have the same problem .. I manage to connect to my box and I do get the channel list. I can also swap channel and the channel changes on my main box. However on the Enigma TV server window I do not get the video. I instead get a message "Lost video, try to reconnect"

I need help

Posted on: 2017/2/13 12:46
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Re : : Lost video, try to reconnect error


I sent you an Email.
Come back to me directly when you have made the tests with the debug version that I sent you.

Best regards,

Posted on: 2014/1/10 11:37
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Lost video, try to reconnect error

I just installed the Enigma-TV Server, installed a licence and followed the youtube help clips. I manage to connect to my dreambox and I do get the channel list. I can also swap channel and the channel changes on my main dreambox. However on the Enigma TV server window I do not get the video. I instead get a message "Lost video, try to reconnect" as can be seen from the attached screenshot.

I do use WebIf and can start a stream from there without problems. This is the URL used by VLC to stream:

Can you help me out please?


Attach file:

jpg  enigma.jpg (97.06 KB)
13862_52cfaeb06dd45.jpg 750X437 px

Posted on: 2014/1/10 9:21
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