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Re: Quitting Enigma TV Web Media Player


The system is the same here ... this tool also send a default 'quit' command to the server when it is closing ...
But it doesn't check if the server executed the command.
I have to think on a way to verify this.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 25.02.2014
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
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Re: Re : : Quitting Enigma TV Web Media Player

When I wrote the "Web Media Player", I was refering to the windows application downloaded from your website.
It was that program that doesnt have a logoff button, and sometimes the dreambox stays in streaming mode after quitting the application.

Geschrieben: 25.02.2014
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Re : : Quitting Enigma TV Web Media Player


From the Android & iOS apps, the apps should send a 'disconnect' commmand to the server as soon those are closing ...
Maybe the server didn't catched that ...

From the Web Media Player this is not possible, when you close the webbrowser then its done. It is not possible to do a script action when closing a web browser, that's why I added this 'Disconnect' button. You need to click on it before to close the webbrowser.

Regarding you request, I take note of it and will see what I can do for a next release.

Best regards,

Geschrieben: 24.02.2014
Administrateur & Développeur Enigma-TV
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

Quitting Enigma TV Web Media Player

I noticed sometimes after playing a stream, and then quitting the Web Media Player, the Dreambox is still in "streaming mode". Then the user can not change channels with the remote, as the channel is locked, just as it is when recording.
I also noticed this when playing from the web browser and then just close the window without logging off.
Then I had to reopen the window and press the logoff button.
But the Web Media Player program doesnt have a loggoff button.
Is it possible to add a logoff button. Or preferable a way to autologoff when the streaming client quits, so that the dreambox gets out of "streaming mode"?

Also, I'd like to ask for another feature to be added if possible.
It would be nice to know the status of the dreambox before swapping channels. So if it is possible to see if the box is in standby or on, and what channel its currently tuned into. Then you know if someone is actively using the box before you start taking over remotely.

Geschrieben: 24.02.2014
Drucke Twitter Facebook Google Plus Linkedin Digg Reddit Mr. Wong Nach oben

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